Delivery Information

Delivery Information(WE DONT PROVIDE HOME DELIVERY )Self-Pickup Only

Self-pickup, also known as click and collect or store pickup, is a service offered by businesses where customers can order items online and then pick them up from a designated location, typically the business's physical store or a designated pickup point. Instead of having the items delivered to their home, customers have the option to collect their purchases at their convenience.

Here's how self-pickup generally works:

  1. Order Placement: Customers browse products on the business's website or app and add items to their cart. During checkout, they select the option for self-pickup.

  2. Notification: After the order is placed, customers receive a confirmation email or notification indicating that their order is being processed and will be ready for pickup within a specified timeframe.

  3. Pickup Preparation: The business prepares the order for pickup, ensuring that the items are packed securely and ready for customer collection.

  4. Pickup Process: Customers visit the designated pickup location during the specified pickup hours. They may need to present their order confirmation (email or text) and a valid ID at the pickup counter or designated area.

  5. Collection: A staff member retrieves the order and hands it over to the customer. The customer may have the opportunity to inspect the items to ensure they are correct and in good condition before leaving.

Self-pickup offers several benefits to customers, including:

  • Convenience: Customers can avoid shipping fees and delivery wait times by picking up their orders at a time that suits them.
  • Control: Customers have control over when and where they collect their purchases, allowing for greater flexibility.
  • Interaction: Some customers prefer the convenience of online shopping but still enjoy the in-person interaction that comes with picking up their orders from a physical location.